Sustainability (ESG)

Increasingly society and regulators emphasise the importance of taking into account sustainability considerations when making investment decisions. This is also known as taking into account ESG standards (Environment, Social, Governance).

Orbit Private Asset Management acknowledges the potential impact ESG related issues can have on the long term prospects of a company and hence the prices of its securities.

At the same time history has proven that it is very difficult to define and quantify ESG related factors in a changing world. So far no clear standard is available to assess and define ESG matters.

Therefore we do not consider sustainability to be the leading factor in making our investment decisions, but we do take it into account next to financial, strategic and economic considerations.

The portfolios managed by us are therefore to be considered to be ‘SFDR article 6’ as defined in the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

Over time we expect that more tangible information and guidelines will become available and we will update our point of view accordingly.

4, rue du Fort Wallis
L-2714 Luxembourg

+352 27 61 12 1